Writing Works Wonders: Advancing Beyond Barriers
2 years ago

Ep 73 Writing Works Wonders: Open MicSummer 2022

Show Notes Episode 73, Open Mic Summer 2022

Co-hosts: Cheryl McNeil Fisher and Kathy King

From poems to book excerpts, commercial jingles to nursery rhymes revamped, this episode presents Writing Works Wonders’ SUMMER 2022 OPEN MIC Celebration! We know you will enjoy the fun and entertainment as we explore the vast and varied talent of our extended community of writers!

So hold onto your earbuds and prepare to be WOWed by poetry, fantasy, science fiction, memoirs, Mystery, humor, and ANYTHING that includes words!

Open Mic Talent

In order of appearance

**1 Marlene Mesot. Email [email protected] Web address https://www.marlsmenagerie.com Poems

**2 Carol Mackay, read by Allison Vasquez Poems

**3 Seamus King. Email- [email protected] https://www.seamusking.com Excerpts from new book’

**4 Rita Paulsoni. Email [email protected] Water essay

**5 Lisa Gilmartin email [email protected] Essay

** 6 Mary Carla Hayes Poem

** 7 Dave Trevino. Email [email protected] Poem and music Jingle

**8 Kathy King Email [email protected] https://www.kathykingauthor.com/ Chapter excerpt

**9 Abbie Taylor abbiejohnsontaylor.com Two poems

**11 Marsha Summers marshasummers.com Short Story

Writing Opportunities

Contact Information:

Please Follow Us- We want to be social ;)

Cheryl McNeil Fisher - Author, Keynote Speaker, Educator and Coach. Seminars and Workshops Adults and Children. https://www.cherylmcneilfisher.com/ Submit your work for publication on our site. Guest blogging, poetry, short stories at: https://www.livinginspiredfullyeveryday.com/

Dr. Kathleen P. King- Author, Author Coach, Speaker & Professor (Ret.). http://www.transformationed.com/ Interested in technology and adult learning? Check out Dr. King's newest book from Wiley: http://bit.ly/King2017

Streaming and Rebroadcasts We are proud to be hosted by ACB Community, streamed live on ACB MEDIA Channel 5, and rebroadcasted on 986TheMix.com Internet radio station and ACB Media.

Find more resources and episodes for this podcast at https://writingworkswonders.com/

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